Richard Dodd T: +3232311826
E: rd@marrickmarine.be
Established Marrick Marine in 1979. He loves to dive and ski.
Manuela Nieuwinckel
T: +3232311826
E: mn@marrickmarine.be
Has a passion for logistics, sales and marketing since 1987 and is fond of her 2 kids, dancing and Plato.
Kelly Albrecht T: +3232311826
E: ka@marrickmarine.be
Joined our team in 2013 and in meantime fully trained to assist you with export/import. She is a frequent visitor to the gym.
Guy Nys T:+3232311826
Joined our team in 2017 but already has a lot of experience in Short Sea. In his spare time he has a passion for oldtimers.
Diana Francken T: +3232311826
E: df@marrickmarine.be
Joined our team in 1992 doing exports. Loves logistics as much as she loves to play tennis.
Ingrid Heylen T: +3232311826
E: accounts@marrickmarine.be
Joined our team in 2015 and is our accounting expert. She is with us part time and has a big heart for kids and animals.